Friday, February 24, 2012

There's even reports of dentists who have ...

Main Category: Also: According to a study published in the online version of the journal oncologist, genetic variations that increase the risk of people taking bisphosphonates, of serious necrotic lesions of the bones of the jaw lasix 60 mg, it was researchers at Columbia University College of Dentistry. Bisphosphonates general class of inhibitors of osteoclasts, which work by attaching to the calcium in the bones and prevent osteoclasts, bone cells that break down bone mineral content. This discovery opens the door for genetic screening to determine which individuals can take these drugs safely. Currently about 3 million women in the United States take oral bisphosphonates for treatment or prevention. In addition, each year thousands of patients given intravenous

bisphosphonates to prevent excess calcium (hypercalcemia) of collecting the blood and control the spread. Lead researcher Research, Athanasius I. Zavras, DMD, MS, DMSC, assistant professor of dentistry and epidemiology and director of the Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics spoken at Columbia University College of Dentistry, said:

"These drugs are widely used for many years and as generally considered safe and effective. But fiction and blogs are filled with stories about patients on prolonged therapy, bisphosphonates, which tried to control osteoporosis or hypercalcemia only develop necrosis of the jaw. "

Often necrosis of the jaw (ONJ) ​​leads to painful and difficult to treat bone damage, which ultimately can lead to loss of the entire jaw. Among those taking bisphosphonates, ONJ usually occurs in those who go through invasive dental procedures or dental disease.

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Currently, data on the incidence of ONJ in patients taking oral bisphosphonates is unreliable. The American College of Rheumatologists, according to various estimates of 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 100,000 patients a year of preparation. About 5% to 10% of cancer patients taking intravenous bisphosphonates affect ONJ. According to preliminary investigation, genetic factors play a significant role in the predisposition of patients with ONJ. Dr. Zavras and his team conducted a genome survey of 30 persons who developed ONJ bisphosponates given and compared them with several disease-free people who used bisphosphonates. The results showed that individuals who have a small change in the gene RBMS3 was 5. 8 times more likely to develop ONJ, than people without the changes. The researchers also found small variations in two other genes that may contribute to ONJ risk - IGFBP7 and ABCC4. Dr. Zavras explained:

"Our ultimate goal is to develop Pharmacogenetic Test, which represents a risk for ONJ, a test that you could give to people before you start using bisphosphonates Those positive for this genetic variation. would choose another treatment, while those who can take negative this medication without fear of ONJ "

Dr. Zavras, continued:

". Currently, many women stop or prevent a serious treatment of osteoporosis because they fear losing their jaw bone. There's even reports of dentists who refused to perform certain invasive procedures in patients taking bisphosphonates. So there is great demand for Pharmacogenetic screening test to identify which patients are truly at risk ONJ ".

Researchers explain that more research is needed to determine whether gene variations RBMS3 observed in other racial groups, as the current investigation examined only Caucasians. This work was supported by National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Do not be reproduced without permission of Medical >> Today News. <<

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