Friday, February 24, 2012

And the athletes and not athletes take anabolic ...

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anabolic supplements, also known as anabolic steroids are artificial hormones, depending on the health of children. Org. These synthetic hormones are called to act as androgens such as male sex hormone. The most common and powerful among them is the male hormone testosterone. Anabolic steroids come in various preparations such as tablets, powders and injections. Most anabolic steroids and supplements that contain these drugs and the use and sale of such substances can serve as a basis for criminal proceedings against the person and may even lead to his arrest. The use of anabolic supplements may be dangerous. For children's health. org, anabolic steroids are used as body building supplements. And the athletes and not athletes take anabolic steroids because of its testosterone like effects on the body. These supplements can help to increase muscle mass and increase muscle mass. Weight gain is one of the possible effects of anabolic supplements.vitamins that strengthen immune system These supplements increase muscle mass and body weight by increasing the amount of protein produced by the body. For athletes using anabolic supplements is strictly prohibited. In long-term health effects, these drugs give athletes an advantage in comparison with non-steroidal use by athletes. Exciting and addictive effects as a result of taking anabolic supplements, as described in the Hormone Foundation. Large doses and many of these supplements affect the brain chemistry and activity. Some long-term effects include mental changes, dizziness, mood swings, hallucinations and paranoia. Teenagers make up a large percentage of those who use anabolic steroids. To avoid steroids in this age group, it is important to promote well-balanced diet, proper nutrition and the right type of fitness. For MayoClinic. com, anabolic steroids are synthetic versions of the hormone testosterone. These indicators amplifiers allow rapid recovery after intense physical activity, increase strength and endurance, and improved all-sports work. Football players and weightlifters among athletes who use this type of program lasix buy. Anabolic supplements are a number of harmful and damaging side effects. According to Medline Plus, the site supported by the National Institutes of Health, oxandrolone, the anabolic steroid used to prevent pain in the bones can cause side effects such as insomnia, depression, constipation and changes in sexual ability. Specific side effects of anabolic supplements in girls is to reduce breast size, decreased tone of voice, menstrual changes and growth of facial hair for boys, breast development and testicular can happen. Article GlenNK updated. March 28, 2011

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