Friday, February 24, 2012

Chronic bronchitis results in permanent ...

One of the many adverse effects of smoking, the risk of emphysema and COPD, either. Emphysema of the lungs is one of two types of COPD and other chronic bronchitis. If you have emphysema, it is likely that the air sacs or alveoli in the lungs are damaged. As a result, your body does not get the oxygen it needs to function properly. "Think of COPD as a range of diseases, chronic bronchitis at one end and emphysema, on the other," says Jeffrey Michelson, MD, pulmonologist with Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta. "COPD-related disease most often caused by smoking cigarettes and the first begins to show symptoms usually until mid-fifties in continuous smokers."

Telltale emphysema symptoms of emphysema affect your body differently. Typical symptoms include difficulty catching breath emphysema - especially during training - and chronic cough. "Signs of emphysema deal with progressive dyspnea that limits activity," says Dr. Mikhelson. Many people with emphysema and is, so that the diagnosis of emphysema may include chronic bronchitis symptoms as well. Chronic bronchitis involves a continuous production of sputum associated with cough and blood flow to the breast. Michaelson said that most patients are somewhere in the middle range of COPD and display symptoms of both diseases. Finding the treatment of emphysema emphysema and COPD can not be cured, but proper treatment can improve your outlook emphysema, as well as general health and well-being.

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Taking these steps will help:

get a diagnosis. If you do not know if you have emphysema and COPD, start with a diagnosis. Only then can start a doctor to help you. "If you feel that you or someone you know is under the age of 35 may experience symptoms, short,

help determine if that person can be a risk of COPD," says Mikhelson. Start treatment of emphysema. Your doctor should be your main source for getting a handle on the treatment of emphysema, says Mikhelson. "It is important to seek treatment once diagnosed with COPD is a progressive disease. This can lead to frequent hospitalization, poor quality of life, the need for supplemental oxygen or ventilation device help to wear at night to help maintain efficient breathing during sleep, "he says. Treatment - especially Quitting smoking - along with the use of inhalers and helps reduce symptoms, delay disease progression, and allows patients to maintain an active lifestyle. Quit smoking. If you want to better prediction and prevention of emphysema progression of emphysema symptoms, no step more important than. "Quitting smoking reduces inflammation and lung lasix without a prescription damage, leading to worsening COPD and emphysema," says Michael S. Nolledo, MD, pulmonologist involved in heart and lung center of Browns Mills Deborah, New Jersey to avoid other stimuli. Tobacco smoke is not only annoying, which may contribute to emphysema and COPD. "Most COPD in this country related to smoking, but only 20 percent of smokers develop significant COPD," says Byron Thomashow, MD, medical director NewYorkPresbyterian Hospital in New York and chairman of the Foundation COPD. "This means that other genetic and environmental factors also play a role." Some potential stimuli include cold air or day

in your area. Keep vaccinations up to date. Michaelson says that this is an important step to prevent complications emphysema and COPD. Flu and pneumonia vaccination is especially important. Do the right exercises. And breathing exercises and regular exercise as cardiovascular walking are critical for containment of symptoms and have a good prognosis emphysema. Start doing these exercises in the program under the guidance of a qualified expert before you branch out on your own. "Exercise is best managed under the direction of the pulmonary rehabilitation program, which includes not only special exercises, but the disease counseling as well," says Dr. Nolledo. "Patients with COPD who complete these programs have shown that significant improvement in their shortness of breath."

Since emphysema symptoms get worse without treatment, it is important that you work with your doctor to manage your condition. Taking care of yourself and taking control of symptoms will give you the best prognosis. .

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