Friday, February 24, 2012

Forearm bicep curls, wrist curls, reverse wrist curls

By Paulette Chandler, MD, MPH Brigham and Women's Hospital you realize that our bones are made up of more than just calcium and protein? Bones containing active cells that constantly remove old bone and replace it with new bone in a process called reconstruction. More than 10 million Americans have an imbalance in bone, causing bone thinning disease osteoporosis. Osteoporosis bones lose strength, become brittle, resulting in about 1. 5000000 fractures per year. Additional loss of bone age occurs in adulthood, starting in middle age and accelerated during menopause. Female sex Women have less bone mass than men, so that any decrease over time will largely affect women. Early menopause Estrogen helps keeps bones strong. What younger woman going through menopause, the faster it loses the benefits of estrogen. People using corticosteroids, which should take medication such as prednisone, prednisolone or dexamethasone are regularly exposed to accelerated bone loss. Smoking accelerates bone loss, especially in women. Alcohol Alcohol abuse increases the risk of osteoporosis. Low weight women low weight often have a lower bone mass than heavier women of similar age. Inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, etc. needed to properly reconstruct the bones. Lack of exercise activity is now recognized as a key factor in maintaining bone health. Most people do not realize the need for calcium to maintain healthy bones, but many forget that great benefit can bring exercise to maintain bone health and prevent falls and fractures. Weight bearing exercise is defined as an activity place compressive forces on bone, particularly useful for lasix 40 mg preventing bone loss. Young athletes like runners who participate in aerobic activities that place compressive forces on the bone with high bone density (IPC) than sedentary people. In general, the intensity, frequency and duration of exercise correlate with benefit, as long as young women do not overdo it. A good workout regimen for healthy bones puts positive pressure on some parts of the body. The bones that are most at risk of fracture include the spine, hip, and radius (one bone forearm). Exercises designed to put the load forces on specific sites provide important training of the most vulnerable bones. These types of exercises compression and expansion of muscles around the bone, creating a load force. You can get a greater increase in bone mineral density (IPC) with high intensity resistance training compared with low intensity. Casual walking provides load force equal to body weight and is usually not enough to improve the defense. Walking helps a little more. The best choices for high intensity exercise (except weight) to improve ABOUT involves jumping, running and dance aerobics shockproof for 20 or more minutes at least three times a week. The purpose of weight training is load force three to four times body weight. High intensity weight training requires repetitions with a weight that feels more heavy and can not be easily removed again and again. For weights, you can use elastic bands, free weights or other objects around the house, such as cans or bags of beans. Elements vigorous resistance training include:

Frequency Intensity Duration Progress of the spine simple exercise back extension: Lie on your stomach forehead on the floor or folded towel. Expansion of the hand in front of the head. Lift the head off the floor a few inches. Hold for several seconds. Do three sets of eight-12 repetitions Another option is to lay a towel under the roller head and a pillow under your hips. Raise your head, hands and feet from the floor. Hold for several seconds. Do three sets of eight to 12 repetitions. Hip-squats, hip adjustment / abduction exercise with elastic bands or weight

forearm curls Bicep, wrist curls, reverse wrist curls >> << include different exercises for all major groups to promote the balanced development of meat muscles. Improve muscle strength and improves coordination and balance to protect against falling. While working on a program of training with weights, do not forget simple exercises to improve balance, such as tandem walking (walking heel to toe) or sitting on a stability ball. Remember that an active lifestyle is an effective strategy to maintain skeletal health throughout your life. Make it a priority to find time each day for exercise. Your bones will thank you for it. Paulette Chandler, MD, MPH, is clinical professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital. Last updated April 14, 2008

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