Friday, February 24, 2012

Some things are more important to your longevity

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Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Osteoporosis (porous bones) is very serious disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to break. This can be potentially debilitating or even fatal. The disease develops silently, with the patient shows no sign of the first fracture appears. Osteopenia means low bone density and can lead to osteoporosis. If you have osteopenia is important to take steps to create your bone density. It is a debilitating condition often, but as the disease womenBЂ ™ s, but this is because women are losing bone density after menopause, if they are taking steps to prevent this. However, people can also develop the conditions and the following information applies to everyone. Some things are more important to your longevity than bone health. Your bones are living tissues that need adequate nutrition and exercise as well as your muscular system does. Our skeleton consists of bones connection with a thick outer layer and inner layer of strong support tissue resembling honeycomb. Osteoporosis means that portion of the cell is thin, and therefore can no longer maintain bone. Thus, more and fractures can be caused by even minor accidents, such as a small protuberance. These fragility fractures as they are called, can affect any part of the skeleton, but more often in the spine, hip and wrist.vitamin c for immune system As we get older we become more break our bones, because bone density decreases, causing bones less stable and more fragile. According to some studies fractures leading cause of death for people over 65 years. Hip fractures are especially dangerous, and about 20% of people who break their hip die within a year from complications. We emphasized on this site that regular exercise and balanced diet can help us avoid many problems associated with aging. This disease is no exception - unless we take appropriate action, the bones become brittle, increasing the risk of fractures. Prevention is possible in most cases and ealier you make the necessary lifestyle changes advised is less chance of developing the disease. A. In weight-bearing exercise

First of all, you must make sure to get many, including weight-bearing activity is essential for bone health. It may be running, walking or cycling, and the sooner it becomes part of your daily life, the better you will feel and the more you protect yourself from age-related diseases. Resistance exercises are also important to increase bone density, and you have to do 20 to 30 minutes of exercise at least three times a week. 2. Get enough calcium >> << Second, make sure your diet contains

few servings of vegetable and dairy products should be taken every day to get enough calcium. If you have lactose intolerance, you can get enough calcium through a lot of vegetables, especially greens, fruit, wholemeal bread, legumes, nuts and omega-3 fatty acids. 3. Improve your diet

Third, change eating habits to include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and reduce meat, too much dairy products, salt, sugar, phosphorus and caffeine. Understand that in addition to calcium, you need much more. For example,

need to help your body absorb calcium, but according to research he also vitamin that increases life expectancy. Fresh green leafy vegetables are the best source of vitamin D. and among other nutrients that are important for bone health, and it is believed that

may also play a role in protecting against osteoporosis. The use of vegetable diet including

is the best way to get the nutrients needed for healthy bones. Visit other age well. org, especially

, and in-depth articles on the above vitamins and minerals in and make sure you get enough nutrients in your diet to prevent - not only osteoporosis - but 4 >> << . Get enough sunlight

- sun has long been regarded as the lifeblood and its healing and restoring balance have been used to treat a variety of complaints from tuberculosis to depression and skin diseases. Also found in various foods, Vitamin D is also created in the body when the skin absorbs ultraviolet rays, so it is sometimes called "sunny" vitamin. However, exposing the skin in the hours when the sun is at its highest especially closer to the equator, can lead to skin damage and cancer? Avoid exposing unprotected too long and avoid the sun between 11:00 and 15:00. You can get adequate vitamin D, exposing themselves to sunlight for at least half an hour a day - this extension if you can by 2:00 in the winter and on cloudy days. This does not mean lying in the sun - just spending time outdoors soaking in the sun. 4. Take supplements if necessary >> << can cause or enhance many other age-related diseases, including but not limited to: osteoporosis. In order to maintain adequate levels of vitamin D in winter, especially if you live in northern climates, so you need four times the current recommended dose. Currently, the recommended level of five micrograms (200 IU) of vitamin D, according to many, not enough. Recommended for those who can not get enough nutrients to take a multivitamin and mineral tablet daily. People at risk of osteoporosis and postmenopausal women should also take vitamin D and calcium, which often come together in one tablet. Ensuring that these supplements are the highest quality is one of the best things you can do for your health. To protect your bones, we recommend lasix 16 mg

Bone Protec as one of the few formulas on the market, which includes a full range of nutrients needed to build strong bones and provide the best bioavailability. We recommend you check out this product and other information about antyvikovyh products. This site contains interesting information on the subject, but as the authoritative source of dietary supplements. Also offers Protec bone you will find a wide range of products against aging that do not contain harmful substances. Cure-Back-Pain. Org

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Mini-site -.:. how to prevent, treat and live with thinning, porous and brittle weak bones and osteoporosis with recommendations from the New is your opinion about what you just read Leave me a comment in the box below <<. >>

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