Friday, February 24, 2012

We found that hgf was upregulated in the plasma ...

Limit such treatment as lung volume reduction surgery and lack of donor lungs for transplantation have to create new strategies for treatment of emphysema important global priority. True >> << Results showed that supplements of growth factor may improve the low level of exercise tolerance and gas exchange

associated with emphysema by inhibiting apoptosis of alveolar cell walls and increased alveolar regeneration

and angiogenesis in the pulmonary vessels. We found that HGF was upregulated in plasma and lung tissue in the acute phase after elastase induction. We thought that

these elevated levels of HGF were the result parakrinnoy mechanism in lung macrophages and endothelial cells and endocrine >> << mechanism in the liver and kidneys. Emphysema clinically characterized by local hypoxia, while some laboratory studies have shown that hypoxia

downregulates HGF gene expression in different cells. Thus, the endocrine system appeared to promote more preferably a transient increase of HGF compared with parakrinnoy system >> << In emphysema, whereas extrapulmonary HGF levels in this study. In our previous studies we have shown that

HGF acts as an important mitogen in the process of recovery from lung injury,

which was confirmed by current data, as shown in the

B. However, we also showed that disease progression was accompanied by a noticeable decrease in the production of HGF, possibly in response

to progressive hypoxia locally and in distant organs. In addition, decreased vascular reflects the severe loss of endothelial cells, which are sources of HGF, which leads

no stable accumulation of HGF and exhausted endogenous HGF, which may be associated with progressive destruction

lung parenchyma, connected commonly associated with loss of alveoli and blood vessels, by refusing tissue regeneration >>. << To test our hypothesis that the denial of sustainable endogenous HGF can lead to acute pulmonary pathophysiology,

human HGF transfection was in elastase treated rat model. Induction of expression of HGF was achieved, resulting in histological >> << and functional lung recoveries that were associated with regeneration of alveolar cells nearby. Interestingly, in

addition to the increase in human HGF, rat HGF concentration in lung tissue significantly increased in 5 - 8 times >> << compared to the nontreatment group. In this regard, in vitro studies have shown that exogenous human HGF significantly increases

rat endogenous HGF fibroblasts in culture, as well as endothelial cells (private communication with the SM and T. N). In addition, the same effects observed in vivo, as reported. Thus, we hypothesized that exogenous HGF added secretion and / or production of endogenous HGF in >> << autoinduction of HGF. This mode parakrinnoy HGF-mediated regeneration will produce favorable effects, locally limited to the lungs

with minimal side effects to other organs. Moreover, in addition to the assumption that transforming growth factor-b1 lasix and heart failure

(TGF-b1) participated in the arrest process of regeneration by inhibiting local production of HGF in hypoxic conditions,

HGF may inhibit TGF-b1 production and inhibit TGF-b1induced signal. Taken together, these results seem to indicate that HGF additives changes the failure of alveolar regeneration in the context

emphysema. Clearly, the functional impairment associated with emphysema occur in parallel with the degree of loss of light >> << vasculature. Furthermore, addition of secondary vasoconstriction, which occurs due to hypoxia leads to irreversible

progression towards pulmonary hypertension. Liebow

introduced vascular concept, which states that the reduction in blood supply to the small precapillary blood vessels >> << may contribute to the pathogenesis of emphysema. Interestingly, in the present study showed a significant increase in pulmonary vascular

elastase induced emphysema in rats following a request by HGF, whereas previous studies have shown that HGF

powerful causes angiogenesis in the heart, skin and lungs tissue. Despite the large number of factors were characterized angiogenesis remains to show whether other factors angiogenesis

such as basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-b) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), may have a proliferative effect

in alveolar epithelial cells. In addition, unlike VEGF, which is induced and upregulated hypoxia and may lead to tissue edema

and would-FGF, which may contribute to fibrosis, HGF, seems to have no such side effects. Several lines of evidence have recently reported demonstrate that the process of programmed cell death, apoptosis, and is preceded by

progressive destruction of lung tissue in emphysema. In addition, elastase / antielastase imbalance manifests itself in disease may result from alveolar cell death, then inflammatory cells >> << invasion and violation of extracellular matrix. Hence, the conclusion that alveolar wall apoptosis suppressed HGF may provide a mechanical explanation

to prevent progressive tissue destruction in this model. Many studies have shown antyapoptotycheskoe

effects of HGF in different cell lines, while

it was also shown as septation caused a contributing factor in branching morphogenesis of the injured lung. Indeed, the development of alveolar septation in adults remains a serious problem in the development of adequate treatment for emphysema

. However, HGF may provide some biological effects in lung tissue after injury, including alveolar proliferation, angiogenesis,

tube formation and prevention of apoptosis. Taken together, we considered that HGF supplements can benefit lung >> << physiological functions in emphysema, minimizing the degree of lung damage and stimulates alveolar septation. In this study, HGF supplement was achieved by intravenous injection of the vector envelope HVJ,

, and the effect of one injection is provided by this method showed local storage for several months, which can be controlled by regulating

expression together gene from self-destruction. We believe it is important for use in therapeutic strategies to maintain a stable and long-term expression in addition to the continuing effects

HGF, especially chronic diseases such as emphysema. The method used in this study may be

perfect in this sense. Massaro and his colleagues conducted a study of pioneer skills retinoic acid to induce the formation of alveoli in rat model of emphysema. Administration

in HGF, which has both pulmotrophic and blood vessel activity, different from their method is that it is ideal as a resuscitation therapy

, considering the molecular pathogenesis of the disease, and is a reasonable strategy to carry out because of self-recovering

system inherent in man. To our knowledge, this is the first report to demonstrate the growth potential >> << factors in improving pulmonary emphysema pathophysiology in animal models. Future studies that use a combination of >> << growth factors and gene transfection technology goals and limited lung tissue may be useful to clarify the molecular mechanisms

for other lung diseases. More detailed studies are needed to determine a positive effect on

HGF on emphysema in clinical trials, we believe that the effect depends on the dose and the age and species. .

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Some things are more important to your longevity

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Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Osteoporosis (porous bones) is very serious disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to break. This can be potentially debilitating or even fatal. The disease develops silently, with the patient shows no sign of the first fracture appears. Osteopenia means low bone density and can lead to osteoporosis. If you have osteopenia is important to take steps to create your bone density. It is a debilitating condition often, but as the disease womenBЂ ™ s, but this is because women are losing bone density after menopause, if they are taking steps to prevent this. However, people can also develop the conditions and the following information applies to everyone. Some things are more important to your longevity than bone health. Your bones are living tissues that need adequate nutrition and exercise as well as your muscular system does. Our skeleton consists of bones connection with a thick outer layer and inner layer of strong support tissue resembling honeycomb. Osteoporosis means that portion of the cell is thin, and therefore can no longer maintain bone. Thus, more and fractures can be caused by even minor accidents, such as a small protuberance. These fragility fractures as they are called, can affect any part of the skeleton, but more often in the spine, hip and wrist.vitamin c for immune system As we get older we become more break our bones, because bone density decreases, causing bones less stable and more fragile. According to some studies fractures leading cause of death for people over 65 years. Hip fractures are especially dangerous, and about 20% of people who break their hip die within a year from complications. We emphasized on this site that regular exercise and balanced diet can help us avoid many problems associated with aging. This disease is no exception - unless we take appropriate action, the bones become brittle, increasing the risk of fractures. Prevention is possible in most cases and ealier you make the necessary lifestyle changes advised is less chance of developing the disease. A. In weight-bearing exercise

First of all, you must make sure to get many, including weight-bearing activity is essential for bone health. It may be running, walking or cycling, and the sooner it becomes part of your daily life, the better you will feel and the more you protect yourself from age-related diseases. Resistance exercises are also important to increase bone density, and you have to do 20 to 30 minutes of exercise at least three times a week. 2. Get enough calcium >> << Second, make sure your diet contains

few servings of vegetable and dairy products should be taken every day to get enough calcium. If you have lactose intolerance, you can get enough calcium through a lot of vegetables, especially greens, fruit, wholemeal bread, legumes, nuts and omega-3 fatty acids. 3. Improve your diet

Third, change eating habits to include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and reduce meat, too much dairy products, salt, sugar, phosphorus and caffeine. Understand that in addition to calcium, you need much more. For example,

need to help your body absorb calcium, but according to research he also vitamin that increases life expectancy. Fresh green leafy vegetables are the best source of vitamin D. and among other nutrients that are important for bone health, and it is believed that

may also play a role in protecting against osteoporosis. The use of vegetable diet including

is the best way to get the nutrients needed for healthy bones. Visit other age well. org, especially

, and in-depth articles on the above vitamins and minerals in and make sure you get enough nutrients in your diet to prevent - not only osteoporosis - but 4 >> << . Get enough sunlight

- sun has long been regarded as the lifeblood and its healing and restoring balance have been used to treat a variety of complaints from tuberculosis to depression and skin diseases. Also found in various foods, Vitamin D is also created in the body when the skin absorbs ultraviolet rays, so it is sometimes called "sunny" vitamin. However, exposing the skin in the hours when the sun is at its highest especially closer to the equator, can lead to skin damage and cancer? Avoid exposing unprotected too long and avoid the sun between 11:00 and 15:00. You can get adequate vitamin D, exposing themselves to sunlight for at least half an hour a day - this extension if you can by 2:00 in the winter and on cloudy days. This does not mean lying in the sun - just spending time outdoors soaking in the sun. 4. Take supplements if necessary >> << can cause or enhance many other age-related diseases, including but not limited to: osteoporosis. In order to maintain adequate levels of vitamin D in winter, especially if you live in northern climates, so you need four times the current recommended dose. Currently, the recommended level of five micrograms (200 IU) of vitamin D, according to many, not enough. Recommended for those who can not get enough nutrients to take a multivitamin and mineral tablet daily. People at risk of osteoporosis and postmenopausal women should also take vitamin D and calcium, which often come together in one tablet. Ensuring that these supplements are the highest quality is one of the best things you can do for your health. To protect your bones, we recommend lasix 16 mg

Bone Protec as one of the few formulas on the market, which includes a full range of nutrients needed to build strong bones and provide the best bioavailability. We recommend you check out this product and other information about antyvikovyh products. This site contains interesting information on the subject, but as the authoritative source of dietary supplements. Also offers Protec bone you will find a wide range of products against aging that do not contain harmful substances. Cure-Back-Pain. Org

has a huge number of articles on many potential sources dorsopatyy including a special section on. Age and too happy to work with Amazon in case you picked selection of supplements that you can check out below. You can buy them through Amazon secure server for your piece of mind. >> Thanks for that. I use a Mac and could not find Alex on the toolbar, although Alexa toolbar itself has been disabled. I had to go to the tools and how I could not find it in the supplement (which just gave me a list of things that I could install) I went to expansion and could remove it there (he was already disabled, but searching and before coming up. I really want Google webmaster tool bar, but it is not compatible with the version of Firefox, I'm running (yet). anyone knows how to return to the previous version? Mary

Mini-site -.:. how to prevent, treat and live with thinning, porous and brittle weak bones and osteoporosis with recommendations from the New is your opinion about what you just read Leave me a comment in the box below <<. >>

There&#39;s even reports of dentists who have ...

Main Category: Also: According to a study published in the online version of the journal oncologist, genetic variations that increase the risk of people taking bisphosphonates, of serious necrotic lesions of the bones of the jaw lasix 60 mg, it was researchers at Columbia University College of Dentistry. Bisphosphonates general class of inhibitors of osteoclasts, which work by attaching to the calcium in the bones and prevent osteoclasts, bone cells that break down bone mineral content. This discovery opens the door for genetic screening to determine which individuals can take these drugs safely. Currently about 3 million women in the United States take oral bisphosphonates for treatment or prevention. In addition, each year thousands of patients given intravenous

bisphosphonates to prevent excess calcium (hypercalcemia) of collecting the blood and control the spread. Lead researcher Research, Athanasius I. Zavras, DMD, MS, DMSC, assistant professor of dentistry and epidemiology and director of the Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics spoken at Columbia University College of Dentistry, said:

"These drugs are widely used for many years and as generally considered safe and effective. But fiction and blogs are filled with stories about patients on prolonged therapy, bisphosphonates, which tried to control osteoporosis or hypercalcemia only develop necrosis of the jaw. "

Often necrosis of the jaw (ONJ) ​​leads to painful and difficult to treat bone damage, which ultimately can lead to loss of the entire jaw. Among those taking bisphosphonates, ONJ usually occurs in those who go through invasive dental procedures or dental disease.

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Currently, data on the incidence of ONJ in patients taking oral bisphosphonates is unreliable. The American College of Rheumatologists, according to various estimates of 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 100,000 patients a year of preparation. About 5% to 10% of cancer patients taking intravenous bisphosphonates affect ONJ. According to preliminary investigation, genetic factors play a significant role in the predisposition of patients with ONJ. Dr. Zavras and his team conducted a genome survey of 30 persons who developed ONJ bisphosponates given and compared them with several disease-free people who used bisphosphonates. The results showed that individuals who have a small change in the gene RBMS3 was 5. 8 times more likely to develop ONJ, than people without the changes. The researchers also found small variations in two other genes that may contribute to ONJ risk - IGFBP7 and ABCC4. Dr. Zavras explained:

"Our ultimate goal is to develop Pharmacogenetic Test, which represents a risk for ONJ, a test that you could give to people before you start using bisphosphonates Those positive for this genetic variation. would choose another treatment, while those who can take negative this medication without fear of ONJ "

Dr. Zavras, continued:

". Currently, many women stop or prevent a serious treatment of osteoporosis because they fear losing their jaw bone. There's even reports of dentists who refused to perform certain invasive procedures in patients taking bisphosphonates. So there is great demand for Pharmacogenetic screening test to identify which patients are truly at risk ONJ ".

Researchers explain that more research is needed to determine whether gene variations RBMS3 observed in other racial groups, as the current investigation examined only Caucasians. This work was supported by National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Do not be reproduced without permission of Medical >> Today News. <<

In these cases, the disorder is life-threatening

What's syndrome Hyena-Barre syndrome? Guillain-Barre syndrome is a disease in which the body's immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system. >> << The first symptoms of this disorder include varying degrees of weakness or tingling in the legs. In many cases

weakness and unusual sensations spread to the arms and upper body. These symptoms can increase the intensity until the muscles

can not be used at all, and the patient is almost totally paralyzed. In these cases, the disorder is life-threatening

and is considered a medical emergency. The patient is often put on mechanical ventilation to assist breathing. Most patients, however,

to restore even the most difficult cases Syndrome Hyena-Barr syndrome, GBS), although some continue to have some degree of weakness. Guillain-Barre syndrome is rare. Usually Hyena-Barr syndrome, occurs in a few days or weeks after the patient had symptoms of respiratory

or gastrointestinal viral infection. Sometimes cause syndrome. In rare cases, immunizations

can increase risk-Barre syndrome Hyena. The disorder can develop over several hours or days, or it may take 3 to 4 weeks. No one yet knows why the syndrome Hyena-Barr virus affects some people and not others or what sets the disease movement. What scientists

know that the body's immune system starts attacking the body itself, causing the so-called autoimmune diseases. Guillain-Barre syndrome is called, not a disease because it is not clear that specific disease-causing agent

involved. Reflexes such as knee jerks are usually lost. Because the signals traveling along the nerve slowly >> << speed of the nerve (NTS), the test can give the doctor information to help in diagnosis. Cerebrospinal fluid, which washes the spinal cord >> << and brain contains more protein than usual, so the doctor can decide on the execution of spinal puncture. Is there a treatment? There is no known cure for the syndrome Hyena-Barre syndrome, but treatment can reduce the severity of the disease and speed recovery

in most patients. There are also a number of ways to treat complications of the disease. Currently, plasmapheresis

(also known as plasmapheresis) and high doses of immunoglobulins used. Plasmapheresis can reduce the severity and duration >> << Hyena-Barre episode lasix generic side effects. In high doses of immunoglobulins, doctors give intravenous injections

proteins that in small quantities, the immune system uses naturally to attack invading organism.what is the immune system Investigators found that

giving high doses of these immunoglobulins, derived from a pool of thousands of normal donors, Hyena-Barr syndrome patients

may reduce the immune attack on the nervous system. The most important part of treatment of this syndrome consists of

keeping the body functioning during recovery the patient's nervous system. This can sometimes require placing the patient >> << to artificial ventilation, heart monitor, or other machines that assist body function. .

Forearm bicep curls, wrist curls, reverse wrist curls

By Paulette Chandler, MD, MPH Brigham and Women's Hospital you realize that our bones are made up of more than just calcium and protein? Bones containing active cells that constantly remove old bone and replace it with new bone in a process called reconstruction. More than 10 million Americans have an imbalance in bone, causing bone thinning disease osteoporosis. Osteoporosis bones lose strength, become brittle, resulting in about 1. 5000000 fractures per year. Additional loss of bone age occurs in adulthood, starting in middle age and accelerated during menopause. Female sex Women have less bone mass than men, so that any decrease over time will largely affect women. Early menopause Estrogen helps keeps bones strong. What younger woman going through menopause, the faster it loses the benefits of estrogen. People using corticosteroids, which should take medication such as prednisone, prednisolone or dexamethasone are regularly exposed to accelerated bone loss. Smoking accelerates bone loss, especially in women. Alcohol Alcohol abuse increases the risk of osteoporosis. Low weight women low weight often have a lower bone mass than heavier women of similar age. Inadequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, etc. needed to properly reconstruct the bones. Lack of exercise activity is now recognized as a key factor in maintaining bone health. Most people do not realize the need for calcium to maintain healthy bones, but many forget that great benefit can bring exercise to maintain bone health and prevent falls and fractures. Weight bearing exercise is defined as an activity place compressive forces on bone, particularly useful for lasix 40 mg preventing bone loss. Young athletes like runners who participate in aerobic activities that place compressive forces on the bone with high bone density (IPC) than sedentary people. In general, the intensity, frequency and duration of exercise correlate with benefit, as long as young women do not overdo it. A good workout regimen for healthy bones puts positive pressure on some parts of the body. The bones that are most at risk of fracture include the spine, hip, and radius (one bone forearm). Exercises designed to put the load forces on specific sites provide important training of the most vulnerable bones. These types of exercises compression and expansion of muscles around the bone, creating a load force. You can get a greater increase in bone mineral density (IPC) with high intensity resistance training compared with low intensity. Casual walking provides load force equal to body weight and is usually not enough to improve the defense. Walking helps a little more. The best choices for high intensity exercise (except weight) to improve ABOUT involves jumping, running and dance aerobics shockproof for 20 or more minutes at least three times a week. The purpose of weight training is load force three to four times body weight. High intensity weight training requires repetitions with a weight that feels more heavy and can not be easily removed again and again. For weights, you can use elastic bands, free weights or other objects around the house, such as cans or bags of beans. Elements vigorous resistance training include:

Frequency Intensity Duration Progress of the spine simple exercise back extension: Lie on your stomach forehead on the floor or folded towel. Expansion of the hand in front of the head. Lift the head off the floor a few inches. Hold for several seconds. Do three sets of eight-12 repetitions Another option is to lay a towel under the roller head and a pillow under your hips. Raise your head, hands and feet from the floor. Hold for several seconds. Do three sets of eight to 12 repetitions. Hip-squats, hip adjustment / abduction exercise with elastic bands or weight

forearm curls Bicep, wrist curls, reverse wrist curls >> << include different exercises for all major groups to promote the balanced development of meat muscles. Improve muscle strength and improves coordination and balance to protect against falling. While working on a program of training with weights, do not forget simple exercises to improve balance, such as tandem walking (walking heel to toe) or sitting on a stability ball. Remember that an active lifestyle is an effective strategy to maintain skeletal health throughout your life. Make it a priority to find time each day for exercise. Your bones will thank you for it. Paulette Chandler, MD, MPH, is clinical professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital. Last updated April 14, 2008

Chronic bronchitis results in permanent ...

One of the many adverse effects of smoking, the risk of emphysema and COPD, either. Emphysema of the lungs is one of two types of COPD and other chronic bronchitis. If you have emphysema, it is likely that the air sacs or alveoli in the lungs are damaged. As a result, your body does not get the oxygen it needs to function properly. "Think of COPD as a range of diseases, chronic bronchitis at one end and emphysema, on the other," says Jeffrey Michelson, MD, pulmonologist with Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta. "COPD-related disease most often caused by smoking cigarettes and the first begins to show symptoms usually until mid-fifties in continuous smokers."

Telltale emphysema symptoms of emphysema affect your body differently. Typical symptoms include difficulty catching breath emphysema - especially during training - and chronic cough. "Signs of emphysema deal with progressive dyspnea that limits activity," says Dr. Mikhelson. Many people with emphysema and is, so that the diagnosis of emphysema may include chronic bronchitis symptoms as well. Chronic bronchitis involves a continuous production of sputum associated with cough and blood flow to the breast. Michaelson said that most patients are somewhere in the middle range of COPD and display symptoms of both diseases. Finding the treatment of emphysema emphysema and COPD can not be cured, but proper treatment can improve your outlook emphysema, as well as general health and well-being.

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Taking these steps will help:

get a diagnosis. If you do not know if you have emphysema and COPD, start with a diagnosis. Only then can start a doctor to help you. "If you feel that you or someone you know is under the age of 35 may experience symptoms, short,

help determine if that person can be a risk of COPD," says Mikhelson. Start treatment of emphysema. Your doctor should be your main source for getting a handle on the treatment of emphysema, says Mikhelson. "It is important to seek treatment once diagnosed with COPD is a progressive disease. This can lead to frequent hospitalization, poor quality of life, the need for supplemental oxygen or ventilation device help to wear at night to help maintain efficient breathing during sleep, "he says. Treatment - especially Quitting smoking - along with the use of inhalers and helps reduce symptoms, delay disease progression, and allows patients to maintain an active lifestyle. Quit smoking. If you want to better prediction and prevention of emphysema progression of emphysema symptoms, no step more important than. "Quitting smoking reduces inflammation and lung lasix without a prescription damage, leading to worsening COPD and emphysema," says Michael S. Nolledo, MD, pulmonologist involved in heart and lung center of Browns Mills Deborah, New Jersey to avoid other stimuli. Tobacco smoke is not only annoying, which may contribute to emphysema and COPD. "Most COPD in this country related to smoking, but only 20 percent of smokers develop significant COPD," says Byron Thomashow, MD, medical director NewYorkPresbyterian Hospital in New York and chairman of the Foundation COPD. "This means that other genetic and environmental factors also play a role." Some potential stimuli include cold air or day

in your area. Keep vaccinations up to date. Michaelson says that this is an important step to prevent complications emphysema and COPD. Flu and pneumonia vaccination is especially important. Do the right exercises. And breathing exercises and regular exercise as cardiovascular walking are critical for containment of symptoms and have a good prognosis emphysema. Start doing these exercises in the program under the guidance of a qualified expert before you branch out on your own. "Exercise is best managed under the direction of the pulmonary rehabilitation program, which includes not only special exercises, but the disease counseling as well," says Dr. Nolledo. "Patients with COPD who complete these programs have shown that significant improvement in their shortness of breath."

Since emphysema symptoms get worse without treatment, it is important that you work with your doctor to manage your condition. Taking care of yourself and taking control of symptoms will give you the best prognosis. .

Emphysema is often caused by excessive ...

Serious lung disease where the alveoli and narrow passages leading to these air sacs become permanently swollen with air. shortness of breath, worsening over the years. chronic, mild cough, sometimes accompanied by a small amount of mucus caused by the slightest exertion. In lasix 20 mg daily severe cases, barrel chest. Emphysema is a potentially fatal lung disease characterized by shortness of breath and then cough. Emphysema is often caused by excessive and smoking. There is no cure for this disease, but a doctor can help relieve some symptoms. Emphysema results when alveoli are tiny air sacs and narrow passageways leading to them has increased. These bags are responsible for taking oxygen in the blood and stretching the waste carbon dioxide. But when the airways become narrowed or lung damage, lung tissues lose elasticity and become damaged and difficult breathing. Because that prevents damage to the lung blood supply enough oxygen. This disease is most common in heavy smokers usually over 40 years. The most common cause of emphysema is severe, long-term smoking. Cigarette smoke is thought to attack the lung tissue. Smoking also has the effect of weakening the walls of lung airways, causing them to collapse on exhalation, air interception sperm. In addition, smoking causes chronic bronchitis and in turn usually makes emphysema worse. Smoking causes the tiny cells, called cilia to become debilitated and dysfunctional. Their job is to rid the light excess mucus and other debris. Goals mucus, the lungs susceptible to viral and bacterial infections. Unfortunately, there is no treatment yet that will give you a new set of healthy lungs and healthy. However, you can do some things to help prevent symptoms and disease is becoming worse. You should consult your doctor if you have any of these symptoms and continue to see him or her on a regular basis. Your doctor can show you the correct way of breathing with this disease. Quitting smoking immediately and avoid any areas where there is cigarette smoke is a vital step. Starting and maintaining a low-impact exercise regime, such as walking or swimming. Medications are available that can slow the deteriation disease. In severe cases of emphysema, home oxygen therapy may be necessary, in some other serious cases, surgery may be an option. You should never stop seeing your doctor when you have this disease. However alternative therapies often relieve the symptoms and discomfort. - It was very successful in the treatment of emphysema. Most essential oils for this disease is Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus Globulus), hyssop (Hyssopus medicinal), anise (Pimpinella anisum), lavender (Lavandula medicinal), pine (pine) and Rosemary (Rosmarinus drug). - The Chinese herb ephedra (Ephedra Sinitsa), also called Ma Huang, is a potent bronchodilator. This plant does have side effects and should be taken only under the supervision of a specialist. - Number of grass act as expectorants and may be appropriate in the treatment of emphysema. Elecampane (Inula helenium), for example, is believed to help clear excess mucus from the lungs. Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus) is recommended to take tea soothing mucosa. Other herbs that can help reduce breathlessness include Grindelia (Grindelia SPP.), Euphorbia pilulifera, lobelija (lobelija inflata), Wild Black Cherry (Prunus zehoIpa) bark, licorice (Glycyrrhiza), motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) and anise (Pimpinella anisum) . - For the treatment of emphysema, homeopath may recommend Antimonium Tartaricum of shortness of breath and congestion,

to symptoms that worsen in damp days in stuffy rooms, or in the morning, ammonium carbonicum. For symptoms, aggravated at night or in cold air and drafts, Hepar sulphuris. Some health professionals recommend avoiding foods that cause excessive production of mucus, such as dairy products, foods and foods with white flour. There are a lot of garlic. Inhaling steam can help loosen mucus in the lungs. First, fill a bowl with boiling water. Keeping your eyes closed, drape a towel head and inhale the steam for two to five minutes. To further ease breathing and relieve nasal congestion, try adding a few drops of one or more essential oils, hot water. .

And the athletes and not athletes take anabolic ...

Credit Photos bodybuilding, muscle image wells from Fotolia. com

anabolic supplements, also known as anabolic steroids are artificial hormones, depending on the health of children. Org. These synthetic hormones are called to act as androgens such as male sex hormone. The most common and powerful among them is the male hormone testosterone. Anabolic steroids come in various preparations such as tablets, powders and injections. Most anabolic steroids and supplements that contain these drugs and the use and sale of such substances can serve as a basis for criminal proceedings against the person and may even lead to his arrest. The use of anabolic supplements may be dangerous. For children's health. org, anabolic steroids are used as body building supplements. And the athletes and not athletes take anabolic steroids because of its testosterone like effects on the body. These supplements can help to increase muscle mass and increase muscle mass. Weight gain is one of the possible effects of anabolic supplements.vitamins that strengthen immune system These supplements increase muscle mass and body weight by increasing the amount of protein produced by the body. For athletes using anabolic supplements is strictly prohibited. In long-term health effects, these drugs give athletes an advantage in comparison with non-steroidal use by athletes. Exciting and addictive effects as a result of taking anabolic supplements, as described in the Hormone Foundation. Large doses and many of these supplements affect the brain chemistry and activity. Some long-term effects include mental changes, dizziness, mood swings, hallucinations and paranoia. Teenagers make up a large percentage of those who use anabolic steroids. To avoid steroids in this age group, it is important to promote well-balanced diet, proper nutrition and the right type of fitness. For MayoClinic. com, anabolic steroids are synthetic versions of the hormone testosterone. These indicators amplifiers allow rapid recovery after intense physical activity, increase strength and endurance, and improved all-sports work. Football players and weightlifters among athletes who use this type of program lasix buy. Anabolic supplements are a number of harmful and damaging side effects. According to Medline Plus, the site supported by the National Institutes of Health, oxandrolone, the anabolic steroid used to prevent pain in the bones can cause side effects such as insomnia, depression, constipation and changes in sexual ability. Specific side effects of anabolic supplements in girls is to reduce breast size, decreased tone of voice, menstrual changes and growth of facial hair for boys, breast development and testicular can happen. Article GlenNK updated. March 28, 2011